Manifesting Prosperity
"Prosperity and abundance are my Divine birthright." Undoubtedly the most talked about universal law, The Law of Attraction, is often used for manifestation. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. You also have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain.
It is similar to The Law of Vibration in this way; it's important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you're seeking to manifest.
There is another law. The Law of Being. "Every man [and woman] is where he/she is by the Law of his Being".
James Allen first wrote those words about the Law of Being over 110 years ago in As a Man Thinketh. The Law of Being says that your circumstances at any moment in time are harmoniously related to your inner state of being.
To create anything in our life, first we must manifest it in our thoughts. You may have heard the saying "Where our thoughts go, our energy flows". For this reason must be mindful, aware and cautious of what we are thinking at all times. We must eliminate the thoughts of fear, doubt and worry, and replace them with positive and constructive projections of what we envision our lives to be. No stinkin' thinkin'!
What is it that you want to manifest? In order for true prosperity and abundance to enter our lives, we must first define what these mean. Do you want to manifest money and power? Do you want to manifest things like loving relationships, meaningful work, and spiritual freedom and that which will bring peace and joy into your life?
You can begin your journey to prosperity and abundance by sitting and writing down what this means to you. Believe and trust that everyone possesses the answers, skills, and talents needed within to create unlimited prosperity on all levels of being.
Create a list of the things that you feel will enhance the quality of your life and support the highest good of all and be specific. Be mindful of how you feel when you think about the things on your list. Connect to the feeling as if your your manifestation is already a reality. Write down your feelings and then take time to verbally acknowledge all the blessings in your life.
For example: "I am grateful I have the job I want doing _______. My income of $______ provides me security and stability and I feel excited to have a new car (Be specific) that takes me to my destinations safely". The possibilities are endless!
Happy Manifesting!