
Heal, balance and harmonize with a relaxing reiki session. Reiki practice came from Japan to the United States in the late 1930’s. Facilitated through gentle, non-manipulative touch, it helps balance our system, engage our inner resources, and move us towards a place of wellness.

Reiki works in harmony with all other kinds of treatment including medical and psychological care. In fact, Reiki is integrated into regular patient care in over 800 hospitals across the United States. It is offered in all Stanford facilities including operating rooms and intensive care units. Reiki decreases recovery time from surgery, improves mental attitude, and reduces unwanted side effects of medications including chemotherapy, radiation, and other medical procedures.

A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut indicates that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent.

60 minuite Reiki Session

~ Aromatherapy

~ Energy Balancing Crystals

~ Oracle Card Reading



30 minute Chakra Balance

~ Aromatherapy

~ Energy Balancing Crystals

~ Chakra Tuning Forks



30 minute Chakra Balance

Distance Reiki Sessions are an alternative method for receiving a Reiki session. Reiki energy can be “sent” or directed to a person that is not in the same place as the practitioner. This is ideal for those not living near Encinitas and can be done anywhere around the world.


30-minute Session - $66

60-minute Session - $88