Inhale and Exhale ~ Breathing
Every new year we welcome all that is new and exciting. We've closed the 2022 chapter and we welcome change and allow our boundaries to expand. Try this simple exercise now. Take in a deep breath and express all that you are grateful for, all the lessons learned, all the experiences you had in 2022. Slowly exhale, releasing the old energy and restrictions of of the previous year, letting go. Now consider your intention for 2023. What energy do you want to bring in? What life do you want to embody. Take a deep breath in, bringing that new energy or affirmation.
Breathing is a great way to connect to your inner self. Pranayama, or breath work connects us to our bodies making way to release old stagnant energy, release stress, improve mental clarity and overall health. There are different Pranayama techniques but here is another simple exercise you can try.
Whenever you find that you have a spare moment-- at home, waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting in traffic, wherever you might be -- take that time to breathe. Start by checking in with your breathing. Do not change the pace or depth of your breath, simply observe where you are. Next, try the following breathing exercises:
Take a deep breath in and exhale. Next, inhale normally, and exhale very slowly. Repeat this for a few breaths. Then, return to normal breathing and notice any changes that may have occurred.
Again, take a deep breath in and exhale. Inhale slowly, and exhale normally. Repeat this for a few breaths. Return to natural breathing and take notice of any changes.
Finally, take a long, slow inhale holding at the height of your inhale, and then follow with a long slow exhale. Repeat this for several breaths. Before returning to normal breathing, pay attention to how your body feels. Do you feel any different than before you began the exercise?
These breathing exercises can help calm and center you; relieving stress and bringing you back to clarity. They can be performed at any time during the day. As we enter 2023, set the intention to connect to your inner self, starting with your breath.